In a groundbreaking collaboration between our team and the Lien Centre for Palliative Care (LCPC), Singapore has witnessed the launch of its first AI Virtual Human Virtual Drill for Serious Illness Communications. This transformative training program aims to address the pressing need for improved communication skills among healthcare professionals in the palliative care sector. The launch took place at the 8th Singapore Palliative Care Conference, coinciding with significant announcements by Health Minister Ong Ye Kung, underlining the government's commitment to enhancing palliative care across the country.
Traditional training methods have often fallen short in terms of standardization, scalability, and creating a psychologically safe learning environment. Recognizing these limitations, LCPC partnered with our company, InteractAI, to develop an AI-driven Virtual Patient (VP) prototype specifically designed for Serious Illness Conversation training. This cutting-edge technology leverages artificial intelligence to provide learners with a standardized, safe, and repeatable environment to practice and refine their communication skills.
Our team is dedicated to supporting the workforce needs of the palliative care sector, aligning with the national interest in expanding and improving palliative care services in Singapore. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung's announcements during the conference highlighted plans to increase subsidies, boost capacity expansion, enhance financial support, and recruit and train workers in the palliative care sector. These initiatives underscore the collective commitment to providing compassionate care and improving the quality of end-of-life experiences.
Through the AI Virtual Human Virtual Drill, we empower healthcare professionals to engage in impactful conversations with patients facing serious illnesses. By fostering empathy, building effective communication skills, and instilling confidence, we pave the way for improved patient experiences and better end-of-life care. Our mission goes beyond creating a training program; we are dedicated to driving positive change in the healthcare landscape in Singapore.
Singapore's first AI Virtual Human Virtual Drill for Serious Illness Communications marks a significant milestone in palliative care training. Through our collaboration with LCPC and in conjunction with the announcements made by Health Minister Ong Ye Kung, we underline the vital role that communication plays in delivering compassionate care. Together, we are shaping a future where empathy, understanding, and effective communication are at the forefront of healthcare provision in palliative care.
Check out this Straits Times feature about the event, and special thanks to ST Lim Yaohui for the photo credits.